Lindsey Graham

‘Focus on ISIS, not starting WWIII’: Trump blasts Senators McCain & Graham

RT | January 30, 2017 The latest targets of US President Donald Trump’s ire are fellow Republican Senators John McCain & Lindsey Graham, who Trump says should focus on important issues “instead of always looking to start World War III.” The president tweeted the rebuke in response to a joint statement by veteran GOP legislators […]

BREAKING: Trump accuses McCain and Graham of looking to start World War III

US President Donald Trump has just said to the anti-Russian war hawk Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham to stop undermining him by criticizing his immigration reforms, and to stop “always looking for ways to start World War III”.
Here is what he said:

The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong – they are sadly weak on immigration. The two…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2017

US Senator Lindsey Graham calls Russia a “teddy bear”, warns President Trump to not work with Vladimir Putin

Republican war-hawk, Senator Lindsey Graham knows the national interest of…
Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China (see video below).
Of course Senator Graham doesn’t know d**k. He is a tool to lobbyists and the military industrial complex. Graham pushed for the Iraq WMD war, Libya destruction, Ukraine neo-nazi coup, and funding of ISIS in Syria.
His track record speaks volumes.
We are certain that if Graham came face-to-face with Russian President Putin, the “brave” Senator Graham would crap in his pants out of fear.

Win for Trump as McCain and Lindsey Graham back Tillerson for Secretary of State

US President Trump looks set to get all his nominations for cabinet posts confirmed by the Senate after Senators McCain and Lindsey Graham said they would support Trump’s nomination of Rex Tillerson for the key post of US Secretary of State.
In a statement the two Republican Senators – who have a well-earned reputation as anti-Russian uber-hawks – dropped their objections to Tillerson on the grounds of his previous links whilst CEO of Exxon to Russia

Everything evil with US foreign policy expressed by US Senator Lindsey Graham in this stunning interview

War-hawk US Senator Lindsey Graham went on Tucker Carlson tonight to explain his view of the world, and America’s place in it.
Needless to say, Graham’s world view is complete BS, full of hypocrisy and lies.
Carlson calls him out a bit on his nonsense explanation relating to “Russian hacking”…but after watching the video, we felt that the softball comments being lobbed by Graham could have been crushed out of the park by Carlson if he so wanted to.

John McCain and Lindsey Graham’s war against Russia and against Donald Trump (VIDEO)

With much of America glued to Trump’s Twitter page and Obama’s increasingly nasty decrees against Russian diplomats, two of the President-elect’s must vocal opponents from within the Republican party made a move designed to weaken Trump’s international prestige, sow internal Republican discord and weaken improvements in US-Russian relations in the aftermath of the 20th of January.