Lindsey Graham

The Best Laid Plans Of Mice And... Paul Ryan

McCain got a lot of ink over the weekend for his trip to the security meeting in Munich, ink that was primarily centered on his sharp criticism of Trump and Trumpism. He appeared on Meet the Press Sunday saying that he worries Trump doesn't understand the important issues confronting the country nor how to run an operation like the White House, which he pointed out is now mired in chaos.

‘Year of kicking Russia in the ass’: US Senator Graham urges more Russia sanctions

RT | February 19, 2017 Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has said that 2017 is going to be “the year of kicking Russia in the ass” as he threatened Moscow with a new round of sanctions over Moscow’s alleged US election interference. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference on Sunday, the Republican senator referred to accusations […]

Don't Be Mean To The Brutal Russian Dictator

A few days ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that "in 2015 a prominent Russian opposition activist named Vladimir Kara-Murza [who was also a long-time Journal writer] inexplicably suffered multiple organ failure and barely survived after falling into a coma for nearly a week. On Thursday it happened to him again, in much the same way.

NATO is trying to push Donald Trump into a war with Russia (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations, former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley used her first appearance before the UN Security Council to condemn Russia for the renewed violence in eastern Ukraine.
What were the “aggressive actions of Russia”? She did not say. Does she accuse Russia of another “invasion” of Ukraine, as Obama’s mouthpieces endlessly claimed without proof? What exactly did she mean?
But things got even stranger…