Lindsey Graham

Senator Lindsey Graham hints boots on the ground coming in Syria. War on Iran is next (Video)

Tucker Carlson speaks with on Senator Lindsey Graham over President Trump’s decision to strike Syria over a false flag chemical attack staged by ISIS and White Helmets.
The BOMBSHELL: Senator Lindsey Graham admits that we need to remove Syria to destroy Iran. The US attack on Syria has nothing to do with defeating ISIS, but has everything to do with destroying Iran.

‘Crushing news’: McCain, Graham furious over Syria policy change

RT | March 31, 2017 Following the announcement by top US diplomats that Washington will no longer pursue regime change in Syria, Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham condemned the administration’s shift in priorities, saying it would empower ISIS and Al-Qaeda. On Thursday, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the future of President […]

Sen. Graham to moronic Ukraine foreign minister: Just shut up and we’ll cut you a check (VIDEO)

Russophobia watchers got a real treat on Tuesday. That is, if you manage to maintain a sense of humor about these things.
The ambassadors of Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were joined by the foreign minister of Ukraine, the diminutive dweeb Pavlo Klimkin, for a deluxe crying and whining session. The goal: extract as much money as possible from US taxpayers by licking Washington’s boots.

Trump Doesn't Understand The American System Of Government And Bannon Is Encouraging Him Towards Tyranny

I'm hearing anecdotal evidence from all over the country that people are tense and disturbed and attributing their change in mood to Trump. I know it sounds unbelievable-- and maybes' just people I know-- but everyone sounds on edge. People are seeing psychiatrists and self-medicating and getting off the wagon and everyone seems nervous and depressed... Have you seen any of that too?

Can A Democrat Win In GA-06? Let's Look At Lindsey Graham's Clemson Town Hall

Minutes ago CNN released a new poll showing 45% of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job and 52% disapprove. 65% of Americans feel there is a need for an independent special prosecutor to be appointed to get to the bottom of Putin-Gate and 32% feel the Republican-controlled is capable of handling it. There is no state or even regional breakdown, so we don't know how people feel about Trump and Putin-Gate in either up-country South Carolina or in the Atlanta suburbs.