Limit To Growth

Climate Change and the Limits of Economic Growth

The only effective way to control carbon emissions, as well as related problems of pollution and biodiversity loss, is to address “overshoot,” the unconstrained use of energy and material resources well beyond planetary limits, particularly in the richer parts of the world. Since the nineteenth century, human society has experienced extraordinary but uneven economic growth thanks to the energy unleashed[Read More...]

False memes can direct the conduct of human affairs more than established science

A cultural transmission or meme is an element of culture (e.g., a perception, value or belief) that is copied and spread virally from one individual to another among people who find favor in their contents. Cultures generate memes. Thanks to science, a culture presents us with many memes that are reality oriented or based upon objective, compelling evidence. But other memes that are deluded are also promulgated. From a[Read More...]

The Apex Fallacy, The Exponential Function, And The Pareto Distribution

Albert Bartlett spent over sixty years in the University of Colorado at Boulder, during which time he delivered his classic lecture on arithmetic, population and energy over seventeen hundred times, a lecture that may be summed up in one sentence: “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function”. […]

The Madness Of Unchecked Growth: A Conspiratorial World View – Part II

  The White Man’s High-Rises, Like Deadly Noxious Weeds, Grow Everywhere in the New World Photo: Peter Rae This Canadian writer has been married to a lovely ‘Sydney Girl’ now for some forty years and, lo, though having mostly lived those years with her abroad in Canada and the United States, has nevertheless endeavoured to return to his common-law relationship[Read More...]