
Democrats have totally lost the centre ground in American politics

There is a real possibility that the Democratic Party of the United States, has surrendered any hope of attaining the centre-ground for at least generation.
Throughout most of the 20th century, both major US parties attempted to appeal to different interpretations of the centre.
The Republicans were broadly centre right but shunned the far-rightism of organisations like the John Birch Society.
Likewise, the Democrats were centre-left whilst rejecting organisations of the far left;  groups like Students for a Democratic Society.

Make the West ‘normal’ again for the sake of peace

One can understand a great deal about culture by examining language.
An important case study is the Russian word нормальный (normal’nyy). The word shares the Latin root-word normalis with the English word ‘normal’. Sadly, the modern use of ‘нормальный’ in Russia has parted ways with its English counterpart.
In Russia нормальный is used to describe a situation, individual or condition that is healthy, sane, functional, proper and/or good.

Moscow at Christmas – a city at peace with the world and itself

Russia, together with much of the Orthodox world, celebrates Christmas today 7th January 2017.
This is not due to theological difference.  The Russian Orthodox Church retains the Julian Calendar, and by its reckoning today is 25th December 2016 ie. Christmas Day.  Russia continued to use the Julian Calendar until February 1918, when the new Bolshevik government switched to West’s Gregorian Calendar, which is why the “October Revolution” which brought the  Bolsheviks to power actually took place – according to the West’s calendar and to Russia’s present calendar – in November.