
Video: The TRUTH About Christmas, Holidays, and Giving

Have you ever wished that every day could be like Christmas, with everyone enjoying the ‘Christmas spirit’ all year-round? Why is it that we use the holiday season as a reason for being especially giving and cheerful, when in fact this is the way we should strive to be every single day?
In this video, I break down the truth about Christmas and all holidays, explaining how the holiday spirit should extend to all 365 days of the year.

Video: The #1 ‘Mind Trick’ to Achieve Your Goals

The sad reality is that many people fail to achieve their goals. Whether it’s a mission to shed 10 pounds, or change your career path, many of us continually fail to ‘follow through’ on these self-promises. Thankfully, there are ways to ‘hack’ your mind and set yourself up to succeed in following these goals.
Here’s my #1 ‘mind trick’ to help you do so:

Study Finds Eating This Food May Help us Live Longer

If you like spicy food, then keep eating: recently released research shows that super-hot foods like chili peppers may help you live longer.

“There is accumulating evidence from mostly experimental research to show the benefit of spices or their active components on human health,” said Lu Qi, an associate professor at Harvard School of Public Health and co-author of the study published this week in the BMJ. [1]

Video: The #1 Threat to Your Success & Happiness in Life

What’s the number one threat to your success and happiness in life? It’s not unexpected life events, or even financial crisis. Instead, it comes down to others telling you that you can’t live your passion. It comes down to what I call ‘toxic relationships.’
I’ll never forget the story about the mother of a friend of mine, whose singing career was ruined by the toxic actions of one heckler. While she was, in fact, a beautiful singer, she relied heavily upon the opinions of others to tell her whether or not she was ‘good enough.’

For the Longest Life: Your Waistline Should Be Half Your Height

Want to know a newly found secret for living a long and healthy life? Apparently it applies regardless of your age, gender, or ethnicity. The riddle of good health is solved in part with a simple formula, which predicts how many years of someone’s life will be lost to obesity. According to recent research, the key to longevity is having a waist size that is no more than half your height.
Here’s how you work out the formula for better health:

Dead for 45 Minutes, 14 Year Old Boy Comes Back to Life After Prayer

In a recent event, a Missouri-born 14-year-old boy named John was pronounced dead after falling through the ice of Lake St. Louise and remaining underwater for more than 15 minutes. Soon after, doctors pronounced him dead for more than 45 minutes, only for him to come back to life after his mother started praying for him in a loud voice. 
When is the last time you heard a story about someone returning to this plane of existence after death?

Exclusive Interview with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif

Exclusive Interview with Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif
Veterans News Now Editor’s Note : Consider the contrast in the mellow, intelligent and measured statements by Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, and the pompous, boisterous, condescending, belligerent (and hollow) rhetoric by United States Secretary of State John Kerry!!