
Picasso's Napkin and the Myth of the Overnight Success

The Myth of the Overnight Success comes from an information asymmetry: you see the victorious result, but not all the work that went into the creation of that result. But before you think, "Great, so instead of an overnight success, now I have to work for a decade for something that may or may not happen. Thanks a bunch," there are ways to make everything you do a success.

The Lazy Millennial Guide to Summer

You’re going along, living your life, buried under blankets in your winter nest, until suddenly you realize: summer is coming. Like, next week. After strategic internet research for inspiration, your mental state switches from chestnuts roasting on an open fire to marshmallows toasting in the embers under the stars (and then catching on fire). You are ready to prepare for summer.

Is Culture Really Threatened by the Free Market?

Sitting in his favorite Irish bar, the French citizen, dressed in his Chinese cotton clothes, sips his Spanish wine from a Polish wine glass while he complains about American pop music broadcast by Japanese loudspeakers. Because he is "tired of this cultural invader," he intends to vote for subsidies to “protect” local culture, meaning the government would force the media to disseminate local bands. But ask him what his favorite bands and singers are and he will look away.

Sex-Crazed Tortoise Single-Handedly Saves His Species

Meet Diego the Giant Tortoise. He may be over 100 years old, but that hasn’t stopped this sex-crazed tortoise from almost single-handedly saving his entire species. The tortoise from the Chelonoidis hoodensis subspecies, who hails from the island of Española, has fathered over 800 children. He is now the father of at least 40% of his species that are released into the wild. [1]