
Tribute to the contribution of Comrade Darshan Singh Khatkar on turning 75  

Just a few days ago legendary Naxalite leader and C.P.I.(M.L) New Democracy Punjab state secretary Comrade Darshan Singh Khatkar turned 75.I don’t have an adjective to do justice to both his personal qualities and contribution towards the Communist Movement. Without a doubt one of the greatest ever comrades to have joined the contingent of the Communist revolutionary camp. Few comrades[Read More...]

Nutan was simply grace personified on screen

      Nutan simply took grace to regions of divinity like no other actress who virtually traversed sublime realms when acting. She exuded the fragrance of a lotus blossoming or radiance of a full moon looking like a manifestation of the energy of the  divine or a spiritual force transcending through her. No female star transcended spirituality in her[Read More...]

Salute to an anti-untouchability crusader within the Catholic Church

Today I write to celebrate the full life of a Roman Catholic Dalit priest, Rev. Dr. P. Antonyraj SJ who passed away on 10th May. I was nineteen years old studying in St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli  and staying in the hostel in Room No. 101, when I had several common mentors who moulded me in my college days like Fr. P.[Read More...]

Kazi Syed Karimuddin: Tribute To A Great Legend

Vidarbha has been a fertile soil for many social reformers and intellectuals. It has played an active role in the nation’s destiny and its social, cultural and political rivulets have flown into and enriched the great sea of national civilization. One such luminary who emerged from Yavatmal was Kazi Syed Karimuddin. He rose to be a great criminal lawyer of[Read More...]

K.R. Gouriamma: What One Leaves Behind

We live in the most tumultuous times when exit from the world and life we have taken for granted is determined by a small being. As a woman living in Kerala ridden with patriarchal norms sugar coated as liberal progressive novel thought, it is but inevitable that one feels concerned about what one leaves behind, what will be the reference[Read More...]

Tribute to Balraj Sahni commemorating 75th anniversary of his screen debut 

Balraj Sahni took art of acting simply to another dimension in his time, reminiscent of a Michelangelo. It is hard to find an adjective to do justice to his sheer sensitivity which reached spiritual depths or realism in his characters. He did not make the impact of Dev Anand,Raj Kapoor or Dilip Kumar but in championing or portraying the common[Read More...]

Azad ; The poet of revolution

Alam ha kari yaad Azad Azad (Abdul Ahad)               kuni saate wuchte yaad pawayi madano. The world will frantically search for Azad. The time will come when  you will recollect, my love! What prompted the tall turbaned school teacher to brag about his personality ? When one meanderers through the life history, achievements and the literary work he accomplished ,one[Read More...]

Tribute to actress Nargis on 40th death anniversary  

Nargis ranks amongst the most complete or consummate Indian actresses of all time. Sadly she left for her heavenly abode, 40 years ago. She was as natural as moonlight glimmering, in anger, sadness or laughter. Nargis posessed the intensity of coal fire and the sweetness of arose blooming. Nargis could in one moment look as calm as the water flowing[Read More...]

Tribute to the genius of Satyajit  Ray on birth centenary who gave art of filmmaking a new dimension  

Today we celebrate the birth centenary on arguably India’s best film maker ever, Satyajit Ray. For sheer art of film making or portraying film making or weaving a plot to create a realistic film no artist surpassed Satyajit Ray. He simply took the art of film making to a new dimension. With the simplicity of stream water he could convey[Read More...]

Tribute to Comrade Meenakshi

The democratic revolutionary movement lost a comrade who till her last breadth ignited its spark. On April 22nd, ironically on Lenin’s birthday Comrade Meenakshi perished unable to counter the covid infection. Whatever differences she was part of the contingent of Marxsim-Leninism-Mao thought .Comrade Meenakshi is the fourth major martyr of the organization after the departure of Arvind Shalini and Nitin.[Read More...]