
Saving Private al-Baghdadi

Ever since Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the UN General Assembly on 28 September, the spokespersons for the US regime and its propaganda apparatus have tried to present Russia as a nostalgic power seething with envy. Such misrepresentations of current Russian policy and Russian history in the US are not unusual.  In fact, they have been the rule since 1917. Unlike the US, Russia is not an island whose ignorance and idiocy have been preserved by two oceans separating it from the rest of humanity (except the non-whites and half-whites south of Miami and the Rio Bravo).

Did you know that snake oil "does actually have some health benefits" -- provided it's the genuine article?

"A search for 'snake oil' on Amazon," Ella Morton reports, "yields 2,716 hits, many of them not liquid, but 16 oils sit under the 'beauty' category alone. And that's not counting all the non-medicinal variants, like the snake oil you can buy as a 'gun lubricant.' " For Ella's report on this particular product, see KenThese days when I think of "snake oil," I think of it as the lubricant, if not the actual substance, of American political discourse.

Will the right-wing perpetrators and co-conspirators pay any price for their bogus smear campaign against Planned Parenthood?

Attack Of The O'Keefe ClonesRob Tornoe, Media Matters for America blog (click to enlarge)"Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky pledged to “introduce an amendment to pending Senate legislation to immediately strip every dollar of Planned Parenthood funding.” Senator Ted Cruz of Texas called for defunding and for “an investigation of Planned Parenthood’s activities regarding the

This is a serious question: Are right-wingers CAPABLE of telling the truth about anything?

Q: What's wrong with this picture?by KenThe answer to the question "What's wrong with this picture?": It's fake.At Right Wing Watch, Brian Tashman posted the above tweet (also posted to the tweeter's Facebook page) by "right wing 'intellectual' Dinesh D'Souza," along with the note that "D’Souza isn’t the only conservative to post the picture, despite the fact t