
Jay w/Greg Moffitt: Shamans, Demons & Hollywood

Greg Moffitt of Legalise Freedom invited me on to discuss the spiritual realm, the possibility of demons in relation to the fractured and traumatized psyche, ritual occultism and abuse, and the cryptocracy.  How far do the oligarchs take occultism?  Is it just a hoodwink, or are there really entities that can possess an individual?   Is David Rockefeller just a pragmatic atheist?  We take some interesting philosophical twists and turns here, outlining the rat

How Badly Will The Lies That Ben Carson And Marco Rubio Have Told About Their Life Stories Hurt Them Politically?

OK, so everyone knows that the brainwashed Republican base, which has spent entirely too much time listening to psychopaths on Hate Talk radio and watching Fox "News," is not interested in facts or in objective truth. But what about when their candidates actually admit being liars? I guess we'll find out soon, since right-wing fave Ben Carson has started cracking up... and admitting to some of his lies.

The Big Marco Rubio Tax Policy Lie That's Leading To The End Of Reince Priebus' RNC Chairmanship

We started the day off with a discussion of the latest criminal billionaire, Paul Singer, to join Team Marco in the rush to capture the White House. Since then I've had a slew of e-mails complaining that there was no explanation of the Rubio lies about his economic agenda. I can't believe I have to delve into the Rubio cesspool again so soon but... here goes.