
Jay Dyer on Kev Baker: ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD The CIA, Cults, & Kubrick

“Jay Dyer is on KBS and we get into the esoteric and dark side of Hollywood. We get into the intelligence connections to the film industry, and how the two are closely intertwined.
That launches us into a fast paced conversation that takes a look at the pentagon connection to movies, the secret societies around the industry, the cults, Scientology, predictive programming, sex, Kubrick, Sci-Fi, J.J.Abrams & listen, there’s so much more i can barely remember, so im off to listen again!

Drone Strike Assassinates Prime Minister Cameron’s “Transparency” Mandate

One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system … it’s about making sure people are in control and that the politicians are always their servants and never their masters.
— David Cameron, First speech as Prime Minister, May 11, 2010

David Cameron has made “transparency” a mantra. In May 2010 he vowed to rip off the: “cloak of secrecy” around government, extending transparency and stating:

Esoteric Hollywood: Chris Kendall on Weaponized Hollywood CGI Matrix

Chris Kendall of The Hoax Busters Call joined me on Esoteric Hollywood to discuss the blurred threshold between fiction and reality the Hollywood Machine exists to spin.  Like the Matrix, we live in a system of fakery and psychological operations designed to keep us fixated in a synthetic world of illusion fostered by the mythmakers.

Trumpf Says When People Call Him P.T. Barnum He Takes It As A Compliment

I'd venture to guess that most people who have heard of Phineas Taylor Barnum (P.T. Barnum) think he coined the phrase "there's a sucker born every minute." He didn't, nor did Donald Trump, but both men have lived their lives as though they did. Barnum plagued American for most of the 19th Century, a hustler who Trumpf has modeled himself on. He was a businessman/showman, author and politician (briefly).

(Half) Republic Bk. VI: The Noetic Light of the Intelligible Sun

In Book VI of the Republic we begin to discover the deeper metaphysics of Plato, where geometry and mathematics provide the means by which the truth of the higher realms can be seen by analogy.  Socrates engages in a bitter critique of the sophists and their pseudo-philosophy of crowd-pleasing and beastly, herd-like nonsense, lacking any real philosophical education.  Rather, the true philosopher is spoken of as grasping the Noetic Light of the Good, the true Sun of the Intelligible realm.

Jay w/Afternoon Commute: OJ’s Magical Mars Moon Juice

John and Chris of The Afternoon Commute join Jay Dyer on an exploration into recent “events”; The San Bernardino Shooting and the recent Paris attacks. Weaponized Immigration as a control strategy, Media manipulation and coordination, Predictive Programming, O.J and Capricorn One, Reality TV, Scare Mongering, The Government’s monopoly on violence, Fear and Statist control. The controlled narrative.