
The British Chicken Coup: 172 Labour MPs against a pro-Corbyn Party

It must have been clear from the very beginning on September 12, 2015, when cheers lifted the roof and people across the land stood up, punched the air and shouted “Yes!” as the results of the Labour Party leadership elections were read out, that Jeremy Corbyn’s victory would be quickly followed by determined efforts to unseat him.  And so it was.

A Panorama of Disgrace

How fitting. A hundred years after possibly the most grotesque of Britain’s many military disasters, known as the Battle of the Somme, the long-awaited Chilcot Report into yet another grotesque British military disaster is finally due to be published. Given that the British establishment is not well-known for confessing its many faults, I’m not expecting much.

Jay Dyer with Dr. Gregory Smith: Esoteric Hollywood

Dr. Gregory Smith hosts the 9 pm Saturday evening KABC 790 Los Angeles show, Truth in Medicine, and asked me to come in studio for an interview concerning my forthcoming book, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film.  Topics covered include: how film has been used by governments, how mass media manipulates and creates narratives to steer the public, and how we can protect ourselves against being propagandized.

OJ Shot JFK! The JFK King-Kill 33 Psy Op

Testing out some new video software on my iPhone, we shot a rough video at the Grassy Knoll. As Chris and John at Hoaxbusters propose – what if the JFK fiasco is itself a large-scale theatrical PsyOp? Do we *really* know what went down that day? What about Michael Hoffman’s thesis of a king-kill ritual and dramaturgy? Was he a created martyr for the Cold War and so-called “democracy”? Bearded, hot and haggard, I discuss this.

Silencing America as it prepares for war

Returning to the United States in an election year, I am struck by the silence. I have covered four presidential campaigns, starting with 1968; I was with Robert Kennedy when he was shot and I saw his assassin, preparing to kill him. It was a baptism in the American way, along with the salivating violence of the Chicago police at the Democratic Party’s rigged convention.  The great counter revolution had begun.