
Does Syria Have the Right to Defend Itself?

There is a hypocritical disconnect in Western and especially U.S. foreign policy. When it comes to Israel, the US is quick to claim “Israel has a right to defend itself”.  For Syria, that same right does not seem to exist.
Is Israel Defending Itself or Defending Occupation/Apartheid?
When Israel executed intense bombing campaigns against Gaza in 2008, 2012 and 2014 the US justified the attacks. At the United Nations on 18 July 2014, US Ambassador Samantha Power said:

The Hell With Fact Checkers, The Debates Should Feature A Panel Of Psychiatrists

Many in the media prepared for today's debate by doing features on how much Trump lies. People who have been paying attention for the last year-- or who have been aware of him outside of the political realm-- have long realized that virtually nothing he says is true. Before tonight, PolitiFact had investigated 259 statements he's made and found just 11 true (4%). 70% of his statements are false (and that leaves out another 15% that are half false).

Donald J. Trump Welshes On His Bets

Illinois Senator Mark Kirk is remembered by many for falsely claiming to be an Iraq War vet. Although he was in the Navy Reserves during the Iraq War, he never left the U.S. and his claims to be a war vet were patently false-- and are still false, as he does it again this year. Lying to the public about something like that used to be a major no-no. But is it any longer? Donald J. Trump lies every time he opens his mouth. He lies about small things and he lies about big things.

Eastern & Western Theology: Trailer Parks in Heaven (Jay on Boiler Room)

On this Boiler Room we expanded the concept of coopted cults to cover more mainline religious movements and their use by the state or other entities. Branco Malic and I engage in a friendly, civil exchange concerning Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic differences. We also cover bizarre TV preachers and their notorious scams.