
(Half) Orthodoxy & The Religion of the Future: UFOs & Cult Psy Ops-Jay Dyer

In this episode of JaysAnalysis we cover Fr. Seraphim Rose’s prophetic 1975 work, Orthodoxy & The Religion of the Future, with its updated additions from Hieromonk Damascene. Rose’s book is an apologetic against the New Age, Far Eastern Thought, the U.N., Illuminism and globalism – before hardly anyone was discussing it.

How Dangerous Is Trump's Mental Illness For The Country?

First everyone was mocking the size of his small... hands. Now they're mocking the size of the small turnout for his bleak inauguration. And this morning, on day two of the Age of Trump, Meet The Press viewers sat around pondering the relationship between "alternative facts" and lies. Trump and his sad-sack paid propagandists can claim there were a million or a million and a half people at his inauguration all they want but that won't make the pictures go away.