
Krugman On Paul Ryan And The Post-Truth Party

Friday Paul Krugman was reminiscing in The Times about the promise the Ryan-led Republicans would "move their party off its cruel and mindless agenda of tax cuts for the rich and pain for the poor, bringing back the intellectual seriousness that supposedly used to characterize the conservative movement." He points out that not only did that never happen but

Lyin' Ryan And His Death Spiral

According to his latest FEC filing at the end of March, Paul Ryan has already spent $2,586,047 this cycle and has a campaign archest of $9,399,416. Last cycle he spent $13,393,345-- against a vanity candidate the Democratic Party ignored and who spent a grand total of $16,890-- far less than the crackpot Trumpist, Paul Nehlen, who primaried Ryan from the right and spent $1,402,877.

BUSTED! CNN Caught – Admits Russian Trump Tale Fake/Project Veritas – Jay Dyer

Project Veritas was able to capture a CNN producer saying exactly what we already knew – the Russian-Trump collusion hack narrative is utter BS with no evidence, and entirely a concocted media fiction. It also was a reaction to the rejection of the climate accords – to further attack a sensible policy of pulling out, by focusing attention on a lie. Chalk this up to the millionth time CNN has been caught faking news.
Purchase my book here.

A Crumbling Regime... Built On A Thin Tissue Of Compulsive Lies

“Many Americans have become accustomed to President Trump’s lies,” wrote David Leonhardt in today’s NY Times. Does that statement seem odd, coming on the pages of one of the country’s most prestigious, and even staid, newspapers? But that was just the beginning. Leonhardt continued by warning that “as regular as they have become, the country should not allow itself to become numb to them.