
CIA Operative Admits Deep State Globalist Control – The Game of Nations

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire

In the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operative spills the beans in this infamous 1969 work on covert operations and regime changes. Not only does Copeland detail the various US puppets and stooges, but also how game theory played into the predictive computer models available even in the late 60s.  

CIA Operative ADMITS Deep State Globalist Control: Jay Dyer on Game of Nations (Half)

This is a partial talk – the full is available by subscription at In the famous treatise by Miles Copeland, Game of Nations, the devious middle eastern CIA operative spills the beans in this infamous 1969 work on covert operations and regime changes. Not only does Copeland detail the various US puppets and stooges, but also how game theory played into the predictive computer models available even in the late 60s.
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Fourth Political Theory – Geopolitics of Russia & Dugin – Jay Dyer Analysis

The writings of Professor Alexander Dugin are scandalous and controversial according to the establishment, yet what about the works of Brzezinski, which are explicitly “imperialist” and liberal?  In this talk we will cover Prof. Dugin’s Fourth Political Theory book, while later we will cover his books on Putin and Contemporary Russian Geopolitics. Contrary to detractors and liars who made up nonsense because I dared to interview Prof.

Charlottesville & The History of Violent Revolution – Jay Dyer on Boiler Room

This week on the show the ACR Brain-Trust is back with another meeting of the Social Reject Club in the No Friends Left Zone and the gang is discussing the aftermath of the Charlottesville protests and subsequent vehicle incident that left a woman dead. We examine the media psyops which aim to hoodwink the public into believing that there is a large force of racist neo-Nazis that consist of anyone right-of-center in the political spectrum and to tie them to President Trump.

Is There Anything Trump Won't Lie About? Trump Winery Is Not The Biggest Winery And He Doesn't Own It Anyway

The Bird is a restaurant in Northwest DC, in the Shaw neighborhood a nd, according to the Washingtonian's Jessica Sidman, they were so excited a couple weeks ago when Señor Trumpanzee fired The Mooch that the began a new policy: offering discounted drinks whenever Trumpanzee offs one of his co-conspirators--

VID – IDENTIFYING CULTS & FALSE TEACHERS (Judges 17-18) – Jay Dyer (Half)

American Churchianity is a giant atheism factory. This is a preview clip of a full talk based on instructive wisdom from the Book of Judges we see perennial marks of a false church. In contrast, we will discuss the true Church and its marks and how I wound up where I did after 20 years of searching and research. For the full talk subscribe below.
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