
The Next Million Zillion Years – Charles Galton Darwin’s Genocide Plan – Jay Dyer (Partial)

CORRECTION: My copy of the book lists his birthdate as 1887 and I mistakenly thought this was the publication date. The publication date is 1952 – my mistake.  This is the first free portion of my analysis of the book, while the full lecture will be available the following day for subscribers to at the PayPal and Patreon links. Highlighting both the absurdity and the danger of the globalists and their genocidal plans, we examine another prophetic book from the bad guys – Charles Galton Darwin’s The Next Million Years.

/POL/ Q Clearance Anon 4Chan #Happening Decoded in Full +++ (Half) – Jay Dyer

The rumor mill of 4Chan has speculated that I am a secret leaker and that the Trump Administration is about to bring the heat to the criminals. Is this “leak” real? In this talk I reverse engineer the “leak” to lead us in the accurate direction of what actually IS going on, long term. As such, Q functions as a lesson plan for real analysis.

Hollywood Cults & Blackmail Operations – Jay Dyer & Clyde Lewis

Stream or download audio here.
Tonight, I thought that it would be important to speak candidly, that is if it can be candid about the swarm of allegations of sexual misconduct not only coming from Hollywood, but also the potential of more lurid allegations being brought forward in the political arena.

Four Lies About Donna Brazile that Party-Protecting Reporters Made Viral

A slogan you will never see from the national Democratic Party until its current leadership is cleaned out and gone (source)by Gaius PubliusThe larger story — Those who control most of the Democratic Party, and those in the media who aid and abet them, are to their last breath fighting any attempt to turn the country and the Pa

Social Justice Warrior’s Luciferian Technocracy – Thursday Live – Jay Dyer / Davis Aurini

I’m (Davis Aurini) joined by Jay Dyer to discuss his work into analysing symbolism in film, and the Luciferian, technocratic, Utopian agenda that runs through so much of our modern art and political philosophy. Check out his website, his YouTube channel, and his new television series “Hollywood Decoded” – his work is here:
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Hollywood is Weird & Gross: Weinstein, IT & Creeper Cults – Jay Dyer

Harvey Weinstein is being portrayed as the root of all problems in Hollywood – “patriarchal males” – as if this were a feminism issue. The root problem is much worse, which is the systematic using of people and children, as well as promoting a mass agenda that is intent on damaging humans globally. Hollywood is a weaponized covert operation of mind control and cults that is, thank God, falling apart.
Purchase my book here.

Attack of the SJWs & Tavistock Frankfurt School Mind Control: Jay Dyer on School Sucks Podcast

Brett Veinotte of The School Sucks Podcast invited me on to discuss my work.
(Above the Snowflakes Part 4) Our investigation continues…
This series aimed to examine the philosophical roots of the current intensifying social justice movement, and how messages from academia have spilled out into popular culture and consciousness. Today, Jay Dyer joins me to argue that the phenomenon actually has darker origins.