
The American Left are causing massive problems

We are dealing with two utterly balkanized groups of people in American politics.  These groups have become so polarized that they literally have lost the ability to communicate with one another.  This inability is capitalized upon by the liberal Left far more effectively than the conservative Right in the United States, and this has created massive problems.

The GOP memo has been released – and it is as damning as promised

It must be all the cannabis that they are legally allowed to smoke in Washington, D.C. There has to simply be some sort of logical explanation for how a group of people involved in illegal activity launches an investigation into an opponent, when they must surely know this is going to blow up in their own faces.
Or, do they even know this, anymore.  Has the pot afflicted their brains so badly?

Bad LSD Trip Tales & Trump State of the Union – Jay Dyer Live Stream BOILER ROOM

We cover the latest news stories on this 144th Boiler Room 8Pm central: Trump at Davos State of the Union Left celebrates deaths School shootings? Americanism Globalism Stocks and Bitcoin FBI insiders and the memo Stupid things, AltMedia drama, upcoming debates.
Stream or Download Here
Purchase my book Here.

Watch Republican give awkward speech on Russia to empty senate chamber

In a previous piece we reported the outgoing Arizona Republican Senator (and Never Trumper) Jeff Flake giving a 14 minute speech to an all-but empty Senate floor.  This speech was attended by all of two – yes, only two Senators, both of them not big Trump fans, either, these two being Dick Durbin and Amy Klobuchar.
However, the good Senator lied.  What is particularly sad about this is that he lied while giving a speech that was about truthfulness.

A Biblical Philosophy of History & Daniel Predicting Christmas – Jay Dyer (Half)

Many requested a companion talk to the Daniel article. Here, we investigate how we have a unique philosophy of history and how evangelicalism is incorrect. Many prophetic texts are already fulfilled and specifically referred to the time of the First Advent of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. In the second hour we discuss the specifics of Daniel and how he predicts Christmas!
Stream or Download Audio Here.