
Going Into The Final Month Before The Midterms, 65% Of Americans See Trump As Dishonest

Joseph Goebbels, Master of Propaganda by Nancy OhanianTrump has an astonishingly bad job approval rating. In the latest SSRS poll for CNN his overall approval was just 36% and disapproval had risen to 58%. Worse yet, just 32% of Americans perceive him as honest and trustworthy. 65% of Americans see him as dishonest and untrustworthy.

Veganism Cults & Funny Weirdos – Social Engineering Food – Jay Dyer on Primal Edge

My Mac keeps defaulting to the internal mic (not sure why) – apologies for the bad audio. Primal Edge Health invited me on to discuss veganism as social engineering, the green cult, the moral relativism and meaningless Darwinian materialism of hipster soy boy fuititarians and cultists.
Audio Here

Veganism Cults & Funny Weirdos – Social Engineering Food – Jay Dyer on Primal Edge

My Mac keeps defaulting to the internal mic (not sure why) – apologies for the bad audio. Primal Edge Health invited me on to discuss veganism as social engineering, the green cult, the moral relativism and meaningless Darwinian materialism of hipster soy boy fuititarians and cultists.
Audio Here