
Debate: Paganism Vs Orthodoxy – Jay Dyer / Boglord Dave

An impromptu debate over the question of the Neo-pagan revival. Our debate revolves the question of whether paganism and in his case, Asatru, are objectively true and can be proven in terms of logical, rational and philosophical discourse.  How are claims justified? What is a universal claim?  How is it justified?  Is logic just a word trick? His channel is here.

In Election Cycles, Exposing Lies Matters... Or Does It?

A couple of nights ago, Rachel Maddow opened her show with a history lesson-- how Watergate Republicans in Congress slit their own throats by defending Nixon's cascade of lies. She starts with a little-known Indiana Republican congressman, David Dennis, elected in 1968 in what is now deep red IN-06 (represented today by Luke Messer, about to be replaced by Mike Pence's brother Greg who won the seat last month, 63.8% to 32.9%).

Trump Lies. All His Associates Lie. The Whole Regime Lies. The Republican Party Is Now A Lie Machine

You know what’s become second nature to Americans now-- Trump’s lying. It’s no longer news when he lies. Just 16% of his public statement, according to PolitiFact, are either true or mostly true. He just lies all the time. And we didn’t need Robert Mueller’s Putin-Gate investigation--nor even the NY Times to tell us that.

Endeavour - Trudeau Buying The Canadian Media & Selling Global Compact for Migration - Hour 1

Canadian YouTuber Endeavour joins Henrik to discuss Justin Trudeau buying off the Canadian media and the push by the UN to get many nations to sign the Global Compact for Migration.
In the second part we discuss the "Yellow Vest" revolt in France and the catastrophic Brexit deal for the UK, while EU comes out of the negotiations getting everything they wanted.
A video version of this show is available here.