
Who Wants A Damn Compulsive Liar As President? Or A Presidential Campaign On Who's The Bigger Liar?

Trump is the biggest liar to ever occupy the White House-- by far. But if Biden ever gets there-- God forbid-- he'd be the second biggest liar to ever occupy the White House. The graphic above represents Trump's public, checked lies. I count True and Mostly True as True and everything else as lies. Half True means half false. And the one below represents Biden's record. Yes, Trump lies more than Biden...

Hollywood reboots Russophobia for the New Cold War

​It is an age-old question as to the extent art reflects the world we live in. Bertolt Brecht allegedly said to the contrary that art was “not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.” The Marxist German playwright devised theatrical methods designed to distance the audience from the staged drama while drawing self-reflexive attention to the contrived nature of the spectacle itself.

Lies of the Victors

Julian Barnes’ Man Booker Prize winning novel, The Sense of an Ending, reads as a meditation on the reliability of memory. Or even as a bill of indictments against the self-serving selectivity of memory. The book beautifully, if kaleidoscopically, reveals how an older man misremembers events of his youth, how his memories cast him in the warmth of the sun rather than cool shadow, as it were, until the actual character of his early behavior, and its consequences, is revealed by a figure from his past.

Rise of Witchcraft & Goddess Worship – Jay Dyer on Quite Frankly

#witchcraft #newage #philosophy
It’s a short one tonight, but it is a really solid one, let me tell you. We have a great collection of topics for the opening and then we’re welcoming JayDyer to the show for his second appearance. The topic of this evening’s call will mainly focus on the link between the goddess and the rise in witchcraft – a relationship that is proudly flaunted, as long-time listeners of this show know all too well.



Are aliens real? What are UFOs? Do they relate to Darwinism? What about the new age movement? What about MKAYultra? I think these all relate and the news has exploded recently with reports of the military “admitting” the presence of UFOs. Is this something new, or is this a regurgitated psy op? What about Hollywood and its endless promotion of the alien agenda? For the full talk be sure to subscribe to JaysAnalysis at the website for access to the archives.