
Fatima, Forgeries, Frauds & Fantasies: Jay Dyer / Snek / George (Free Half)

Tonight we cover the long list of papal forgeries long used for centuries to back up the more absurd papal claims, such as universal temporal and *monetary* supremacy.  We will look at the more well known examples like the Donation of Constantine, as well as lesser known documents, and in part 2 touch on Fatima and other so-called “apparitions” which now replace the  authentic direct experience of God with superstition and histrionics.  The full talk is available for subscribers to

Sam Tripoli of Tinfoil Hat + Jay Dyer – Upside Down World LIVE 5PM CST

Ya boi Sam joins me to shoot the shite and giggles for a discussion on all things comedic and conspiracy.   I want to know the craziest things Sam has seen in both worlds, how they overlap and what topics he thinks are utterly BS, which are gray area, and which are real.  Come ask this bigass world famous Hollywood BIGSHOT SOT CALLER comic hard questions in that superchat! We’re live on my channel at 5Pm CST!  Sam’s channel is here.


Biden Isn't As Bad As Trump

Trump's family is more disgusting and more crooked than Biden's. Trump is a bigger liar than Biden. Trump seems more senile and off the rails than Biden. Trump is more corrupt then Biden. Trump is more in the pocket of the ruling elite than Biden. Trump is more racist than Biden. But Biden being less horrible than Trump could give us the second worst president in history. The bar is too low.

Top 10 Reasons I’m Not Roman Catholic – Jay Dyer

In this video we continue the series from yesterday’s video on why I am not Protestant. Here I cover ten top reasons I am not Roman Catholic. I focus on Vatican I, the papacy, doctrinal development, Uniates, Filioque, absolute divine simplicity, the Vatican Bank and many, many more glaring innovations of the last millennium that are central features of papalism. Papalism ends up in sola Papam – the entire religion ends up revealing around the pope and papal apologists are all papal lawyers.


Post Xmas: Purges, More Refugees & Ghislaine Maxwell Under Investigation - FF Ep58

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest stories and important events of the week in episode 58 of Flashback Friday.
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US’ Afghan War: Imperialism’s Limit exposed

US Afghanistan War reveals imperialism’s limit. It’s, as Mao said decades ago, a paper tiger. The war is the evidence.
The just published The Washington Post report – “The Afghanistan Papers: A secret history of the war, At war with the truth”, (by Craig Whitlock, December 9, 2019) – carries the story of this limit. It’s, to some, a story of corruption. To another section, the war is mismanaged, which is inefficiency, wrong planning, etc. But, the root of the failure is in the deep: Imperialism’s characteristic.

The Art of Doublespeak: Bellingcat and Mind Control

In the 1920s, the influential American intellectual Walter Lippman argued that the average person was incapable of seeing or understanding the world clearly and needed to be guided by experts behind the social curtain.  In a number of books he laid out the theoretical foundations for the practical work of Edward Bernays, who developed “public relations” (aka propaganda) to carry out this task for the ruling elites.  Bernays had honed his skills while working as a propagandist for the United States during World War I, and after the war he set himself up as a

A Beautiful but Deceptive Documentary: “For Sama”

The documentary movie “For Sama has won a host of awards in Europe and North America. Its producers and protagonists, Syrians Waad Kateab and her husband Dr. Hamza Kateab plus English film-maker Edward Watts,  have received gushing praise. And the awards will probably keep coming.
Unfortunately, behind a human interest story, the movie “For Sama” is propaganda: biased, misleading, and politically partisan.
Hiding Basic Facts about Aleppo