
Some Italian Thinkers are now resisting Lies about the Soviet Union and WW II

Lying about world history is one of the main weapons of the Western imperialists, through which they are managing to maintain their control of the world.
European and North American countries are inventing and spreading a twisted narrative about almost all essential historic events, be they colonialism, crusades, or genocides committed by the Western expansionism in all corners of the globe.

America’s Lying Press Will Now Lie Even When the Government Won’t

Eric Zuesse
Right now, the New York Times and Washington Post still are not acknowledging that they have no real evidence for their ‘news’ that Russia has been paying, to Afghanistan’s Taliban, bounties for corpses of U.S. troops they’ve killed in Afghanistan. Until recently, America’s press was simply spouting the lies of the U.S. Government, instead of lies that are against the U.S. Government (and against Russia’s Government). Here’s an example of that, the type of ‘news’-lies that have been the norm, until now:

No-Go Zone: Second Wave BS, BLM Marxism & Alt-Meat

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik covers the latest in episode 19 of No-Go Zone.
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The Victims of MH17 Deserve More than the Shoddy Lies Perpetrated by Politicians and Media

The ABCs Insider program broadcast each Sunday morning is one of the ABCs most watched and most important programs. The three guests are drawn from the country’s mainstream media outlets. This is perhaps itself a limitation considering the broad range and frequently high standards of much political analysis in the country are non-mainstream outlets. The invited person subjected to questioning by the show’s host is almost invariably a politician drawn from either the Liberal or Labor parties.

Protests, The Purge & Controlled Chaos

In this video, I analyze the recent mass media obsession events which, as usual, aid the establishment. What are the origins of mobs and protests? Can they be manipulated? How does it relate to Soviet Agitprop? What are the social engineering uses of mobs and “protests”? Why does the media always ignore the funding of these groups by NGOs, etc? Here is the documentary mentioned, as well as another relevant video.