
A Country in Turmoil: Why Netanyahu is a Symptom, Not Cause of Israel’s Political Crisis

It is convenient to surmise that Israel’s current political crisis is consistent with the country’s unfailing trajectory of short-lived governments and fractious ruling coalitions. While this view is somewhat defensible, it is also hasty. Israel is currently at the cusp of a fourth general election in less than two years. Even by Israel’s political standards, […]

Fourth Industrial Revolution Blocks the New

While technology has been encroaching on more spheres of life over the past 25 years, the ruling elite and their representatives are now zealously promoting a new and dramatic digital-technological upheaval—the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution—that will supposedly transform everything under the sun, open amazing vistas, increase government and business transparency and accountability, and put humanity […]

Year Zero

2020 was GloboCap Year Zero. The year when the global capitalist ruling classes did away with the illusion of democracy and reminded everyone who is actually in charge, and exactly what happens when anyone challenges them. In the relatively short span of the last ten months, societies throughout the world have been transformed beyond recognition. […]
The post Year Zero first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Venezuela Votes to End Neocolonialism, Create Its Own Path

On December 2, the Embassy Protection Collective (EPC) members, who were arrested in May 2019 when the United States illegally invaded the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC, completed their probation, ending the risk of the 30 days in prison that was being held over their heads. I am one of the four who were arrested. […]
The post Venezuela Votes to End Neocolonialism, Create Its Own Path first appeared on Dissident Voice.

MP3 Bashing Covid Craziness on Salem National Radio Network

Fox Business host Scott Shellady and I had fun yesterday thrashing crazy Covid restrictions and power-mad politicians and bureaucrats who are pointlessly wrecking American freedom.  Scott was guest-hosting on the Dan Proft show on Salem Radio Network.   Here’s a link to the AIER article – “Covid Craziness in LoCo Moco” that spurred the interview. Here […]

No-Go Zone: The Incredible Covid Psy-op, UK Vaccine & Stop The Steal GA

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest news on the Covid fraud, the lockdowns and Stop The Steal in Georgia.
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#CNNTapes & Election Fraud

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik covers the latest with the leaked #CNNTapes and an update on the ongoing election fraud hearings.
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Nuremberg Trial: 75 years Ago and What it Means Today

On Saturday 21 November 2020 Russia celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the beginning of the Nuremberg Trials which started on 20 November 1945 and lasted almost a year, until 1 October 1946. The Tribunal was given the task of trying and judging 24 of the most atrocious political and military leaders of the Third Reich. […]
The post Nuremberg Trial: 75 years Ago and What it Means Today first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer

“They call my people the White Lower Middle Class these days. It is an ugly, ice-cold phrase, the result, I suppose, of the missionary zeal of those sociologists who still think you can place human beings on charts.  It most certainly does not sound like a description of people on the edge of open, sustained […]
The post The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Establishment Journalists are Piling on to Smear Robert Fisk Now He Cannot Answer Back

Something remarkable even by the usually dismal standards of the stenographic media blue-tick brigade has been happening in the past few days. Leading journalists in the corporate media have suddenly felt the urgent need not only to criticise the late, much-respected foreign correspondent Robert Fisk, but to pile in against him, using the most outrageous […]