
Pt.2: Giving Canadians and everyone,everywhere, a Cypriot Style Haircut- “to the wood”

I am strongly suggesting that you all read Part 1,before jumping into this section:

Pt.1: Giving Canadians and everyone, everywhere a Cypriot Style Haircut- "to the wood"


Back to the plan for plunder: the so called budget:“This will reduce risks for taxpayers"How will this reduce risk for taxpayers? Aren’t depositors and taxpayers pretty much one and the same?Of course they are!

Pt.1: Giving Canadians and everyone, everywhere a Cypriot Style Haircut- "to the wood"

This haircut post is in 2 parts. It is lengthy. There are many, many external links. It will take you less time to read this two part post, then it took me to dig all this stuff up, organize and write it all up.Share your thoughts, spread the post if you feel it should be read by othersTogether we can get the real news out. Thanks for reading :)

Disrespecting The American, European And Soviet Dead

Boris Abramovich Berezovsky died recently under mysterious circumstances. He had converted to Orthodox Christianity from Judaism. Forbes said he made 3 billion dollars by controlling state assets under his friend Boris Yeltsin’s presidency. Yeltsin was of Jewish descent. Yeltsin allowed 9 oligarchs and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Harvard Endowment fund and others to loot the former Soviet citizens of 240 billion dollars. By the way, 8 of those 9 oligarchs happened to be Jewish.

رؤيتان مختلفتان، و مقارنتهما بواقع الأزمة في سوريا

لعله من المتوقع أن يعمل كل من النظام و مناوؤه بشكل دؤوب على التأثير على الرأي العام، سواءً منه الداخلي السوري، أو الخارجي العربي و الدولي. و مع أن آراءً كثيرة تتفق على أن أدوات النظام الإعلامية، سواء منها الرسمية أو غير النظامية، يجب ألا تمنح مصداقية عالية، إلا أننا لا نجد هذه الدرجة من الحذر في التعامل مع ما يرد من الطرف الآخر. بل إن هناك تماهٍ و تصديق شبه أعمى لكل الأخبار و التحليلات التي ترد من طرف مناوئي النظام، و سنحاول هنا أن نقارن بين طروحات الطرفين: