
The Dangerous Idea of the Greater Good

Edgar Wright's Hot Fuzz is one the greatest comedy films ever made. Not only is it a brilliant send-up of classic action movies and a masterwork of writing, editing, and visual humor, it is also an incredible satirical look at what happens when some people decide they know what's best for everyone and justify their actions in the name of the “greater good."
As a result, the film raises a question few people ever stop to seriously ask: What is "the Greater Good"? It sounds like such an intuitive idea, but it's not really that simple.

Music Piracy Is Older than You Think

When I told people I was writing my history dissertation about music piracy, the typical response was, “But… that’s not history.” But, in fact, piracy has a history as long as sound recording – even as long as written music itself. Jazzheads swapped copies of shellac discs in the 1930s, and shady operators even copied music in the wax cylinder era of the 1910s. Sheet music was bootlegged in the 19th century, just as printed materials had been since Gutenberg unleashed the printing press 400 years earlier.