
Larry Elder’s surge in California brings out the race baiters [Video]

The race-baiting wave of 2020-2021 took a slightly unusual turn over the weekend when a Los Angeles Times opinion writer named Erika D. Smith published two pieces about the California recall gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder. She leads off her articles with these headlines: Larry Elder draws fire for N-word comedy clip Column: Larry Elder is the […]

U.K. Doctors Granted License to Create 3-Parent GM Babies

Doctors in the U.K. have been given the first-ever license to create “three-parent babies,” with the controversial IVF treatment taking place as early as later this year. [1]
The license was granted by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) to a team who pioneered the mitochondrial pronuclear transfer technique at the University of Newcastle.

Monsanto Gets the First CRISPR License to Modify Crops

Monsanto announced last week that it licensed the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool from the Broad Institute in Boston for use in seed development. The technology will allow the agritech giant to edit crops’ DNA by “snipping” away undesirable traits – or adding in more desirable ones – of the plants’ genetic codes. Frankenfood? [1]
Source: Business Insider

Medical Marijuana Reaches Key Legislative Approval in Texas

There’s a saying that “Everything’s bigger in Texas,” but apparently everything is slower, too. The state is preparing to issue licenses for medical marijuana dispensaries to legally sell products with low levels of THC, such as cannabis oil, but there’s a catch.
First, the medical marijuana types will be extremely limited, and only those with an intractable form of epilepsy will be allowed to partake of cannabis’ incredible healing properties.