
Drug-Resistant Head Lice Found in 25 States

U.S. investigators are warning that drug-resistant head lice have been found in at least 25 states, and the bugs are expected to spread even further across the nation.
Permethrin, part of the pyrethroid class of insecticides, has been used to fight head lice, mosquitoes, bedbugs, and other insects for years. Researchers say overuse of the drug has caused head lice and other insects to develop genetic mutations that make them completely resistant to permethrin. [1]

Why the WHO Admits Pesticides Lindane and DDT Cause Cancer

The World Health Organization recently pronounced that the insecticide Lindane is directly linked to increased rates of cancer – specifically Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The organization also reports that DDT is ‘probably carcinogenic to humans.’
What is interesting about the recent pronouncement is that it took place after lindane was banned by both the U.S. and EU. For some unknown reason, it took the WHO a half a century to come to the conclusion that lindane causes cancer.
As officially reported by The Lancet:

WHO Admits Pesticides Lindane and DDT Linked to Cancer in Humans

The World Health Organization recently pronounced that the insecticide Lindane is directly linked to increased rates of cancer – specifically Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The organization also reports that DDT is ‘probably carcinogenic to humans.’
What is interesting about the recent pronouncement is that it took place after lindane was banned by both the U.S. and EU. For some unknown reason, it took the WHO a half a century to come to the conclusion that lindane causes cancer.
As officially reported by The Lancet: