Libyan National Army

Following UAE, Mossad Meeting – Libyan Rebels Receive Israeli Weapons

This series of photos shows a Libyan LNA rebel carrying a high-powered Israel rifle. (Photo: al-Araby)
Khalifa Haftar, the military commander who controls the east of the Libya, has reportedly been receiving Israeli military aid following meetings with Israeli intelligence that were allegedly mediated by the United Arab Emirates.

LIBYA: Haftar’s secular forces liberate Benghazi from Salafist terrorists

The failed state of Libya has seen an important victory from the only responsible faction of the four that are currently competing to be the legitimate government in the country.
The Tobruk based Libyan House of Representatives is the only secular, organised and modern governing force in Libya. Crucially it is the one allied with supported by Egypt and its leaders maintain positive contacts with Russia.

5 things you should know about the Libyan crisis

Libya’s new civil war is quickly becoming a war fought on many layered and at times competing fronts. There is now a regional, ideological and internationalised font in a war for what remains the heart and soul of a failed state that was once the most united, wealthy and stable in Africa. It was also incidentally the most effective state in Africa at prosecuting terrorism, more so even than the much larger Egypt, a country which spiritually and culturally is far more Levantine than Maghrebi (Arab Africa) as it stands.

Total civil war in Libya

Ever since the NATO war on Libya in 2011, the country has been largely ungoverned and in many ways has become ungovernable.
In recent years, two main factions have been vying for legitimacy against a tide of multiple illegitimate parties include ISIS, al-Qaeda and various smaller terrorist and pirate groups.
The two main governments include the The Libyan House of Representatives based in Tobruk and the Government of National Accord in Tripoli.