
Citing US Invasions of Iraq and Libya, North Korea Sees John Bolton as a Major Threat

“North Korea sees the prospect of John Bolton driving negotiations as a real threat, realizing his main goal may be driving them into the ground.” (CD) — Specifically targeting U.S. President Donald Trump’s warmongering, anti-diplomacy national security adviser as the primary reason it has threatened to cancel a planned summit with the United States, North Korea’s vice minister of […]

Kim Jong Un slams American unilateralism, to reconsider talks only if US is willing to negotiate

North Korea is not willing to play a game with America where America alone gets ‘the better end of the deal’, as Trump would put it.
Some sort of arrangement whereby North Korea has no assurance that America won’t eventually march in and overthrow the regime and give Kim the Gadhafi treatment over some trumped up pretext, as in Libya, while North Korea has agreed to give up its nuclear program is simply not what this process has been about.

Abdel Hakim Belhaj to receive UK government settlement – what about the Tawergha?

The terms of a settlement between the UK government and Abdel Hakim Belhaj over his rendition and torture case are due to be revealed today. the treatment of Belhaj and his wife, who were kidnapped in Thailand and flown to Tripoli on a CIA plane in an operation involving former foreign secretary Jack Straw, Sir Mark […]

The Koreas Unified and at Peace?

Peace in the Koreas is what the world expects; and Peace in the world is what humanity expects, the vast majority. 99.9% of the world population wants peace, but it’s the 0.1% that commands war and destruction, since war and destruction is what runs the western economy. Literally. If peace would break out what we in the west still call economy — though it’s a fraud, every day more visible — would collapse. In the US the war industry with all the associated production and service industries, including the Silicon Valley and banking, contributes more than 50% to GDP.

A Tool to Combat Washington’s Middle East Wars

The Plot to Attack Iran gives a readable and well-referenced look at Western — especially US — abuse of Iran. The author and human rights lawyer Dan Kovalik presents a concise overview of US imperial conduct since World War II. The book is a reminder, which we need from time to time, of the outrageous hypocrisy and deceit of the US government and the corporate media.

Will Bolton Cost Trump His Nobel? Powerful Interests Lined Up Against Korean Peace

WASHINGTON – Seemingly discontent with the progress made towards peace on the Korean peninsula, John Bolton, Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, asserted that the United States is currently using the “Libya model” in guiding the denuclearization of North Korea – a model that eventually led to the destruction of the North African country and the overthro

NYT Examines How History Impacts Korean Talks–but Its Own Memory Is Fuzzy

By Jim Naureckas | FAIR | April 30, 2018 In a New York Times news analysis (4/29/18) examining how the overthrow of Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi after he agreed to halt his nuclear program might influence North Korean thinking about disarmament, the Times’ Peter Baker writes that “President Barack Obama and European allies launched military action […]

Syria, White Helmets, Russia & Trump: Modern Technocratic Geopolitics – Jay Dyer on Interregnum

The Arktos crew talks geopolitics with the immensely knowledgeable Jay Dyer of From Syria to Russia, from Europe to America, from the identitarians to the Atlanticists, join us as we investigate the real powers that are vying for control in the global chessgame today.
Jay’s YouTube channel: