
Brilliant Strategy of Offering North Korea the ‘Libya Model’ Somehow Falls Through

Three days before President Trump announced him as the new National Security Advisor, deranged mutant death walrus John Bolton appeared on Radio Free Asia and said of negotiations with North Korea, “I think we should insist that if this meeting is going to take place, it will be similar to discussions we had with Libya 13 or […]

The Libya Model is a Distraction

On Fox News Sunday, United States national security advisor John Bolton brought up the Libya model as a template for the denuclearization of North Korea.
Following up, president Donald Trump noted, “In Libya, we decimated that country. That country was decimated.” However, Trump did assure North Korean chairman Kim Jong-un that he’d remain in power after denuclearization.
Then came US vice-president Michael Pence on Fox News:

Unsettling the Summits: John Bolton’s Libya Solution

The inevitable stop, start and stuttering of the Korean peace process was bound to manifest itself soon after the hugs, expansive smiles and sympathetic back rubs.  Dates have been set – the Kim-Trump summit is slated to take place in Singapore on June 12, though there is much time for disruptive mischief to take place.
One field of possible disruption lies in air exercises between the US and South Korea known as Max Thunder.  Such manoeuvres have been of particular interest to the DPRK, given their scale and possible use as leverage in talks.

US to Kim Jong Un: Comply or Face Same Fate as Libya’s Gaddafi

(MEMO) — US President Donald Trump yesterday warned North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un that his security must come to a deal with the West of suffer the fate of Muammar Gaddafi’s Libya. In rambling remarks in the White House’s Oval Office, Trump said that as far as he knew the meeting with Kim was still on track, […]

On North Korea, Trump says ‘Libya model would take place if we don’t make a deal’

First, John Bolton again opened his big mouth referring to ‘the Libya model’, where a nation that denuclearized experienced a US backed regime change that has left the nation a failed state ever since, right when Washington is supposedly attempting to broker a denuclearization deal with a country that Trump has been threatening to bomb, as well as get a peace settlement established.