
Erdogan’s mercenaries in Syria take aim at each other

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator
Fierce battles are raging in Hasakah, a city in the far northeast of Syria, between two separate terrorist groups. ‘Sultan Murad’ and the ‘Al Hamza Division’ terrorist groups in Abo Rasen, northwest of Hasakah. The dead and wounded are both Turkish-backed terrorists. The fighting is over control of the town and the looting of the area. Both sides have sent reinforcements as the clashes continue.

How Much Are You Prepared to Pay for Your ‘Free’ Press? Arab Media Wars Are Driving Us All Towards Twitter

In the coming months, it is likely that more Arab media titles in the region will fold following the financial crisis and the vociferous media wars which they conduct which are costly and self-defeating. How do you like your fake news? With or without a media banner?
World Press Day passed like a thief in the night in the Arab world. It’s largely seen as something lauded by western countries who use it to chastise what they see as backward countries with authoritarian leaders who only know the one model of journalism in their countries: pay-as-you-go.

Libya’s War Heading Towards More Uncertainty

April 2020 marks one year since Khalifa Haftar launched an offensive towards Tripoli to expel its Government of National Accord (GNA). Seen as the next Gaddafi, by many, it was believed that he launched the campaign last year in desperation, as not doing so could have brought his political and military demise. The offensive left more than thousand fighters dead[Read More...]

“Turkey lied to us.” Syrian Mercenaries in Libya are Desperate to Leave

By Lindsey Snell | The Investigative Journal | April 27, 2020

“I just got back from Libya yesterday,” said Zein Ahmad*, a Turkish-backed Syrian National Army (SNA) militant in Afrin. “But I had been trying to leave for more than a month.” When the Libyan National Army (LNA) neared Tripoli in April 2019, the rival UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli called on Turkey for military support.

Real-life Russian heroes come to the screen: “Shugaley”

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator…
The story-line of this new movie seems to be from a “Hollywood” script: terrorists, battle scenes, and prison torture.  However, it is based on a true story unfolding in Libya.  “Shugaley” tells the story of a Russian sociologist, and his translator, who were captured in May 2019 by terrorists in Libya on the orders of the Government of National Accord (GNA).

Libya’s Government of National Accord in its Death Throes

As reports focus on the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic worldwide, stories regarding the state of affairs in Libya have all but disappeared from pages of leading media outlets. But in the meantime, recent events in this country are increasingly indicative of the fact that the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), led by Fayez al-Sarraj, is in its death throes.