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Important Changes at Liberty Blitzkrieg

From time to time, I think it's necessary and healthy to take a step back and reflect on what you're doing and why. I recently did that with regard to my work and website.
When I quit my job on Wall Street nearly a decade ago, I had no idea how life would unfold. I walked away from a highly paid position to pursue some unknown future, a simultaneously exciting and terrifying decision. I was a single guy living in NYC back then, with no pressing obligations to anyone other than myself. I'm now married with three kids in Colorado.

A New Way to Support Liberty Blitzkrieg – Launching Patreon

Before I get started, I want to thank everyone who has donated to Liberty Blitzkrieg over the years. I’ve been very encouraged by the generosity and kindness of so many people from all over the world. I’ve received contributions from readers in many different countries, including the United States, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands and more. I try to send a personal thank you note to everyone, but I’m definitely behind schedule and I apologize if I haven’t reached out to you recently. You are greatly appreciated.

Thank You and Welcome New Readers – A Liberty Blitzkrieg Mission Statement

Being included in the now infamous, and laughably shoddy, PropOrNot hit list of so-called “Russian Propaganda” websites directly led to the most rewarding professional day I’ve had since I started blogging nearly five years ago. As soon as I saw the transparently ridiculous list and noticed that The Washington Post was giving legitimacy to it, I wasn’t outraged at all. Rather, I saw it for the blessing in disguise that it was.