LGBT equality

Springsteen's Cancellation In North Carolina Tonight Represents A Vital All-American Tradition

"If Woody Guthrie were alive today, he'd have a lot to write about: high times on Wall Street and hard times on Main Street," Springsteen told his Madison Square Garden audience in 2009 as he brought out Rage Against the Machine's Tom Morello for a powerful rendition of "The Ghost of Tom Joad," a song Springsteen wrote in 1995. That's it above.Tom Joad was a John Steinbeck character from The Grapes of Wrath (1939) about whom Woody Guthrie sang (below). There is a colossal battle for the soul of the Democratic Party raging right now.

Bernie Really Is A Better Candidate Than Hillary

Hillary's not a good candidate for several reasons, electability being one, her record of leadership being another. Obviously she's better on the issues-- all of the issues-- than Cruz or Christie or Rubio or any of those clowns. But that's a really low bar. The problem with her, policy-wise is that she's a flip-flopping opportunist who has been consistent on one thing: watching which way the parade is headed and then running to the front when it's absolutely safe to do so. For example, it took Hillary quite a long time to come around on LGBT equality.

The Year In Gay Bashing: It’s Republican World, 2015 In Review, Chapter Six

-By NoahWhen Republicans find a group of people they consider “different” or can paint as “different”, they pounce. Skin tone, nationality, religion, gender, and gender preference are all are fair game in Republican World. Anything they can use to rile up the emotions and unfounded fears of their base is, in their view, fair game. They take it and put it into their schoolyard bully approach to “debate”. It’s the art of meanness and it gets them where they want to go. It’s also a useful tool of distraction form far more important issues.

Herr Trumpf Vulgar? Oh Dear, Imagine The GOP Coming Apart At The Seams Over Vulgarity!

In what world is Herr Trumpf vulgar but Ted Cruz is not?I don't know which Republican presidential hopeful is the most homophobic, although it certainly isn't Herr Trumpf. Cruz is a notorious homophobe and his second biggest donors, the Wilks brothers ($15,000,000), are almost exclusively motivated in their political giving with their bizarre and unbalanced obsession with homosexuality.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Still Tolerates Ugly Homophobia Inside Her "Big Tent"... Blue Dog Dan Lipinski

It isn't just Republicans who embrace anti-gay fanaticism-- Lipinski and Wasserman SchultzIn theory a "big tent" political party is just fine-- and the Democratic big tent is way better than the ever-shrinking ideological GOP pup tent. But you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere.

The Stonewall Inn becomes NYC's first landmark designated solely on LGBT-historic significance

NYC has its first landmark "based solely upon LGBT history."by KenIt seems only appropriate to get the news from the Greenwich Village Socity for Historic Preservation (GVSHP), undoubtedly the city's most energetic preservation organization, and a major player in a noteworthy development it reported yesterday: