
Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1

Macaulay and My 75-Cent Epiphanies, Part 1 by James Bovard Fearing that my writing style was becoming anemic, I recently sought a literary booster shot from my bookshelves. Happily, a dozen volumes of Thomas Macaulay awaited me. Macaulay made history mesmerizing, and I have been captivated by his speed, grace, and wit for 40 years. […]
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“Maybe next time” offered by States hearing Trump Challenge [Video]

The legal team representing the challenge Donald Trump has put forward about the strongly-evident fraud that was targeted and well-organized by the Democrats has been very successful in making its case everywhere they are heard. We first saw this in Pennsylvania, and again in Arizona and more recently still in Michigan. The witness testimonies are […]

Trump Lying-- And Lies-- Have Come To Define The Republican Party. It's Tragic But They Deserve It

It should always be news, even if it's the same story every single day-- which it basically is: Trump is a goddam congenital liar. He lies about everything... small pretty things and important business of the country. He's disgusting and for those of us who never watched his wretched TV game show, we're far less happy by having his putrid visage on our TVs every night. I doubt there has ever been a White House occupant so hated as Trump.

A Guest Post By Eric Ohlsen-- Cleaning Up Sacramento

Eric Ohlsen is the progressive candidate, endorsed by Blue America, running for the Antelope Valley state Assembly seat occupied by Tom Lackey, the last Republican in the Assembly from Los Angeles County. One of his top priorities is to help clean up corruption in Sacrament by getting corporate sewer money out of the electoral process.

The Anti-Trump Wave Helped Democrats Almost Everywhere That Racism Isn't Enshrined As The State Religion

Paul Ryan was whining about how long it was taking for all the votes to be counted in California, primarily because absentee ballots were coming in overwhelmingly for Democrats and after election day, vote counting flipped 4 more Republican seats including one in Orange County and two in the Central Valley that left Ryan allies Mimi Walters, Jeff Denham and David Valadao unemployed.

Hawaii Got Rid Of Its Last Republican State Senator Last Year. When Will Massachusetts Do The Same?

-by Glenn WiechVice Chair, Milford Democratic Town Committee Southern Worcester County in Massachusetts is like other suburban and semi-rural areas across the country. It’s fair to say that the Blackstone Valley is one of the prettiest parts of the state. Nonetheless we have our share of problems. Many of our once humming factories have been converted to lofts or left to rot.

The Corrupt Forces Of The Status Quo Come After A Young Latina In Brooklyn-- Meet Julia Salazar

Blue America is primarily a PAC that endorses candidates in congressional races, but occasionally we endorse in a state legislative race. With thousands of legislative seats up for grabs, we look for men and women who will strengthen Democratic benches in their states or who have an important and extraordinary contribution to make.

Tuesday In Maine-- Much At Stake... And South Carolina And Wisconsin

Tomorrow there are primaries in 5 states, Nevada, Maine, Virginia, North Dakota and South Carolina. We're watching Maine more closely than any of the other states. Blue America has only endorsed one federal candidate in any of the 5 states-- Jared Golden, who's running for Wall Street oriented Bruce Poliquin's seat in the sprawling non-Portland bulk of the state.