
California Governor Signs Emergency Bill to Fix Error in Marijuana Legislation

A legislative drafting error has caused local governments in California to act post-haste to fix what would be a ban on marijuana cultivation in the state. Gov. Jerry Brown signed an emergency bill to fix the problem just days ago.
The legislation, AB21, proposed by Democratic Assemblyman Jim Wood of Healdsburg, would amend the comprehensive medical marijuana regulations that the California Legislature passed in September. It would:

Vets Seek Medical Pot Legalization on Veterans Day

Advocates and veterans used Veterans Day as an opportunity to bring awareness to the physical and psychological suffering of vets and how medical marijuana could help them.
“Pot Over Pills” protestors camped out in front of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on Tuesday to draw attention to the fact that nearly 2 dozen veterans die from suicide each day. The advocates wants the VA to recognize medical marijuana as a legitimate alternative to the often dangerous pills doled out to the nation’s heroes in this country, many of which can increase suicidal thoughts and feelings.

US Senator Elizabeth Warren “Open” to Legalizing Marijuana

US Senator Elizabeth Warren seems to be changing her tune about marijuana legalization – an issue that is expected to be front and center in the upcoming elections. She recently told the Boston Globe that she is “open” to the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana. She was opposed to it just three years ago.

Marijuana Cost Drops Significantly in Colorado as Traffic Booms

Just over a year after Colorado started selling marijuana in licensed dispensaries, they are seeing more customers than ever, but according to Nicholas Colas and his team at Convergex, a global brokerage company based in New York, Colorado citizens aren’t paying as much for their marijuana nowadays.
After interviewing several stores in Colorado, Colas found that prices are declining faster than some anticipated. Is there too much supply and not enough demand, or are there other factors at play here?