
US Senator Elizabeth Warren “Open” to Legalizing Marijuana

US Senator Elizabeth Warren seems to be changing her tune about marijuana legalization – an issue that is expected to be front and center in the upcoming elections. She recently told the Boston Globe that she is “open” to the legalization of both medical and recreational marijuana. She was opposed to it just three years ago.

Marijuana Cost Drops Significantly in Colorado as Traffic Booms

Just over a year after Colorado started selling marijuana in licensed dispensaries, they are seeing more customers than ever, but according to Nicholas Colas and his team at Convergex, a global brokerage company based in New York, Colorado citizens aren’t paying as much for their marijuana nowadays.
After interviewing several stores in Colorado, Colas found that prices are declining faster than some anticipated. Is there too much supply and not enough demand, or are there other factors at play here?

Will Medical Marijuana Soon be Legalized Nationwide?

How  long will it be until the United States government recognizes cannabis as a medicinal, useful plant, and not just an abused drug? You’d be interested to know that states aren’t the only ones accepting cannabis in various forms – the  U.S. government is actually closer than ever to legalizing the plant. In fact, a group of bipartisan legislators have recently made an effort to propel medical marijuana to the top, legalizing the plant for medicinal purposes and protecting those working with it from federal consequences.

‘Gold Standard’ Survey: Majority of Americans Want Marijuana Legalized

It is an undisputed fact that marijuana prohibition is losing traction at record speeds. If the influx of decriminalization, medical legalization, and recreational legalization bills tells us anything, it’s that the population is beginning to truly accept and even desire marijuana legalization. Now, a new ‘gold standard’ survey tells us that this notion is in fact true – finding that a majority of Americans support the legalization of marijuana for the first time in recent history.