Leftist Violence

Tucker Carlson Calls for President Trump to Support His Supporters and Use His Constitutional Powers to Protect Their Freedom of Speech

Carlson chronicles the many assaults against free speech for conservatives - and they are shocking when considered all together. Beliefs conventionally described as conservative just five years ago now are described as 'terrorism.' Meanwhile, actual terror by the left goes unpunished.

Hillary Clinton Calls for ‘Incivility’ Toward Republicans While the Washington Post Denies Left-Wing Violence Exists, Despite Video Proof

Hillary Clinton, the most recent Democratic presidential candidate and leader of her party, openly endorsed viciousness against her political opponents. She said that civility can return once Democrats regain some power in the House or Senate.

Leftists Are Still Doxxing and Making Death Threats Against Republican Senators, Even After Kavanaugh Was Sworn In

Some leftists, enraged by Senator Susan Collins' support for Kavanaugh, have demanded she be forever harassed in public as a punishment for her decision. Colorado Republican Senator Cory Gardner and his family members have been doxxed and his wife has received a gruesome video of a beheading.