
Rothschild Soviet Spy, Van Damme & Bloodsports, Jay Dyer Impersonations – Boiler Room

Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.

Rockefeller, CIA Cultural Marxism & the New Age Inversion – JAY DYER (Half)

Today’s livestream at 3 PM central will be me solo manning the chats and images with a discussion of some basic, but often forgotten aspects of how we’ve gotten to where we are. It’s impossible to understand modernity without understanding the ideological and financial origins of modernity and how powerful social engineering in pop culture and public education truly is. Nation, family, church, state, philosophy, education, and the arts have all been revolutionized. As long as we remain locked in the dialectical trap of modernity, we cannot recover.


Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of ‘The Boiler Room’ tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.

Dr. Jordan Peterson Critiqued: Classical Liberal Incoherence – Jay Dyer (Half)

Is Dr. Jordan Peterson’s worldview coherent? He is certainly eloquent and forceful when refuting many fallacious arguments from opponents, but has he questioned his presuppositions of classical liberalism? I don’t think he has and in this video we look at the good and the bad in Dr. Peterson’s arguments. The second half covers the ideological trek of how we got to the postmodern stage we are in now from the Middle Ages and is available at JaysAnalysis for 4.95 a month or 60.00 per year at the PayPal links.

Is the Left Pro-Islamic?

Opinion — Many well-meaning people wonder whether the left is pro-Islamic. The left has been a vociferous critic of Middle Eastern wars, American hegemony, settler colonialism, and social conservatism that endorses narrow nationalism and overbudgeted militaries. Though skeptical of religion, in theory, the left seems much more tolerant of Islam than it has been of Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, or any other religion.

Left, Undone: As Women March, Blacks Increasingly Question the Quality of their Allies

Forty years ago last fall, the late Richard Pryor took the stage at the Hollywood Bowl for a gay rights fundraiser and delivered what was perhaps the most incendiary monologue of a career that was both famously — and literally — combustible.
What the audience of 17,000 mostly gay, white men anticipated was to be regaled by the virtuoso in his prime. What they in fact got was a conflagration, as Pryor lit into the LGBT community for what he characterized as their indifference to African-Americans’ struggle.

CNN meltdown over Trump is deranged and selfish

Following the reported profanity that President Trump supposedly uttered in a closed door meeting, the mainstream media has sunk to a new low, and taken the United States public with them.  The expressed “outrage” over Trump’s use of a profanity-laced term in a private meeting that was NOT for the press is already kind of suspect.  After all, closed-door meetings are not for the public eye or ear, and things get said in closed-door meetings that are not meant to be for the ears and eyes of babes.