Lee Fang

Will Crooked South Dakota Republican Mike Rounds Drown In His Own Culture Of Corruption-- Or Become A U.S. Senator?

Mike Rounds has surrounded himself with crooks who have helped make him wealthyIf you follow DWT with any regularity you weren't taken by surprise when the DSCC and the Beltway pundits who take their marching orders from the party committees discovered South Dakota's Senate race last week.

Poisoning The Air And Water-- For Fun And Profit: Today's Republican Party

For the past several years, we've been pointing out how Buck McKeon has a bunch of worthless relatives who work as lobbyists, where they can trade on his name for their personal enrichment. This week Legistorm.com released a list of congressmembers whose direct relatives are also lobbyists-- and McKeon was only the second worst.

Who Does Satan's Work In Washington?

Neo-fascist extremist and deranged "pastor," Bryan Fischer wasn't trying his hand at stand-up comedy this week with his demon hunter routine (above). Fischer is an annoying crackpot but Satan has higher-placed surrogates to do his work Inside the Beltway. In his brilliant book, The Machine, investigative journalist Lee Fang introduces us to the Koch Empire's chief political operative, Tim Phillips, one of the sleaziest and most destructive lobbyists in the history of K Street.

Climate Change... Which Members Of Congress Would Vote To Drown Their Own Constituents?

In June of 2009, we had a Democratic House, a Democratic Senate and a Democratic president. The Republicans didn't have much-- other than K Street. Obama and the Democrats were determined to deal with Climate Change. They failed. I think Ed Markey was just elected senator from Massachusetts because of his leadership in this struggle.

How Much Harm Will The Kochs Do Society Before We Have A Leader Brave Enough To Defend Us Effectively?

No human being is perfect-- and that includes politicians. Even FDR made some mighty big mistakes. I think all Americans with their heads screwed on properly will agree that Roosevelt made a gigantic, historically-tragic error by not having the plotters involved in the 1933 Wall Street plot against America tried and hung. If J.P.