Lee Fang

A Day of Tidbits: Did Clinton Help Kill the Public Option? Which Reporter Has the Wall Street Speeches?

Lee Fang interviews Hillary Clinton about her Wall Street speeches (source)by Gaius PubliusIt's been a day of fascinating small bits of news. Let's look at just two that have caught my eye.Did Hillary Clinton Help Rahm Emanuel Kill the Public Option? For example, did you know Hillary Clinton may have helped the Senate reject the public option during the ACA debate?

Trumpf Just Blatantly Lies His Ass Off-- Hillary's Dishonesty Is More Sneaky

The Clintons don't seem to get a simple point: Democratic primary voters hate when Democrats attack other Democrats. And now it isn't just Hillary's sleazy team of lobbyists, job-seekers and conservatives attacking Bernie, it's also Hillary herself. she uses the same basic debate tactics Cruz and Rubio use-- maybe she learned them when she was president of the Wellesley College Young Republicans.

Republican Strategists Are Beginning To Realize Hillary Isn't Being Embraced By Democratic Voters

Last week, writing for The Intercept, Lee Fang reported that the Clinton campaign is stuffed full of advisors and fundraisers who were lobbyists working to kill Obamacare and Dodd-Frank. That's the Clinton Machine, her team and her allies-- corrupt lobbyists working against progressive values on every level.

Why Don't Voters Trust Hillary Any More Than They Trust Rubio, Cruz, Trumpf Or Christie?

The Democratic Party Establishment, worried that too much democracy could upset their profitable little racket, instituted the idea of "super-delegates" in 1982 to gives themselves some control over the nomination process. Originally the party bosses demanded 30% of all the delegates but today the super-delegates-- current and former Democratic Party officials-- comprise 20% of the convention delegates.

Yes, Conservatives-- Of Both Parties-- Hate Regulations That Protect Consumers

At the kiddie table debate last night Chris Christie took the first opportunity he got to attack Dodd-Frank, the legislation passed to protect consumers from banksters and other financial sector crooks That ad above, which debuted last night at the very first commercial break (and then ran again), part of a 4-week, $500,000 buy from the the shady American Action Network-- an extreme right-wing group founded by Nixon's Jew counter, Fred Malek-- is meant to stir up fear and emotions by lying about one of Wall Street's biggest bugaboos, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.