Lee Fang

Both Parties... Are Fumbling Around In The Dark Looking For An Identity

Fareed Zakaria had GOP establishment NY Times columnist David Brooks on his CNN show Sunday to talk about Señor Trumpanzee’s role within the conservative movement. I don’t know who watches Zakaria’s show-- no one I know-- but I bet there was a lot of teeth gnashing from Republicans when Zakaria opened the segment by setting up a comparison between Saint Ronnie and Trumpanzee. “Where does conservatism go from here?

Foreign Money In U.S. Elections-- One Swamp Trump Has No Intention Of Draining

ProgressivePunch is an imperfect tool for evaluating how candidates perform, but it can be-- if not used as a blunt instrument-- a useful tool in putting together a comprehensive picture. And it's certainly better than any of the other systems I know of that evaluate and score congressional votes. We've mentioned several times that some of the Class of 2016 freshmen have turned out as dreadful as we expected them to.

It's Never Easy To Fight Tammany Hall On Your Own-- They Fight Back... And Really Dirty

The Ring of Fire interview (above) will give you a very good idea why he is so hated by corrupt shills like Harry Reid and Chuck Schumer. When they hear him saying things like he said in the interview, they know that although he doesn't mention their names, they are exactly who he;'s talking about-- and should be talking about.ProgressivePunch grades Harry Reid's lifetime voting record a "C," which seems very generous of them. There are 10 conservative Senate Democrats with even worse scores than Reid's pitiful 76.83.

Conservative Democrats Are On The Verge Of Taking Over The Democratic Party Entirely

Earlier today we talked about a partisan re-alignment that sees an acceleration of socially quasi-moderate but fiscally conservative Republicans migrating to the Democratic Party, the way Hillary Clinton, Charlie Crist and Patrick Murphy did, all of whom have worked diligently to undermine core Democratic values and hard-fought policies.