
Sectarian policies in Lebanon causing suffering: interview with Lebanese Journalist Ali Yehya

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/07/01/sectarian-policies-in-leban… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Lebanon’s 6 million people have been suffering through a crisis which began 20 months ago, and there is no end to the suffering in sight.  Severe shortages of medicine, fuel, electricity and a myriad of basic goods in the import-dependent country. The crisis, which began in late 2019, […]

Judge tosses frivolous lawsuit by heiress Sulome Anderson seeking to destroy The Grayzone

Entitled heiress Sulome Anderson waged a McCarthyite lawfare campaign to destroy The Grayzone. We can now expose her and the powerful forces behind her deranged legal assault. “Because of the lawsuits my family won against Iran, I had all the money in the world to spend on drugs, and I made some dealers a lot of money.” –Sulome Anderson, 2016  “I’ll destroy him :)” –Sulome Anderson on defendant Ben Norton, 2017 “I’m not stupid enough to take it this far […]

Syrians reject the US ‘regime change’ and re-elect President Assad

https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/05/28/syrians-reject-the-us-regim… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was re-elected to a fourth term in office, his second term under the 2012 constitution, with 95.1% of the votes, according to Hamouda Sabbagh, the head of parliament. Sabbagh announced the results in a news conference on Thursday, saying voter turnout was around 78%, […]

The Political Tempest in Lebanon

The Israeli bombing of Gaza has generated ripples in Lebanon’s political atmosphere. Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians have travelled to the border with Israel, proudly waving Palestinian flags and banners of the Hezbollah and Amal movements. However, the field of Palestinian discourse in Lebanon is not an uncontested one.  Lebanese Forces – a Christian political […]
The post The Political Tempest in Lebanon first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Secret Documents Expose British Cloak and Dagger Activities in Lebanon

Classified UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) documents released by hacktivist collective Anonymous raise serious questions about London’s cloak-and-dagger activities in Lebanon, and whether they may have led to the ouster of the country’s government.   Due to Lebanon’s position at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Basin and Arabia, and borders with Israel and Syria, […]

Syrians abroad vote for a return to stability

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator https://www.mideastdiscourse.com/2021/05/22/syrians-abroad-vote-for-a-r… Syrians went to their embassy, or consulate, in dozens of countries abroad to vote for president on May 20, while the domestic vote will take place May 26. Some voiced their vote for President Bashar al-Assad was based on his ability to steer Syria out of a 10-year […]

“How can we look at Palestine with no moral compass and no sense of justice or fair play?” Jafar Ramini, writer and political analyst

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator  “This is truly a massacre that cannot be described,” said Dr. Al Reesh at the al-Shifa Hospital which received the bodies of 10 Palestinians killed, including eight children, and 15 people wounded by an Israeli air raid on the Shati Refugee Camp in the Gaza strip in the hours […]

“A new Palestinian intifada may trigger a regional war against the Apartheid Israel” according to expert Laith Marouf

Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator A missile launched from Syria recently came very close to Israel’s nuclear reactor at Dimona.  Currently, the Palestinians of Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza are actively resisting their occupation and oppression which may give way into a new uprising, or intifada against the Israeli military occupation.  These events […]

A Brief History of Israeli Interventionism in Lebanon

Israel has a long-standing interest in Lebanon. These interests have periodically manifested themselves in bloody attacks against the small Arab state. Two important sources on the Zionist plans for Lebanon are the diary of Moshe Sharett, who was the Prime Minster of Israel in 1954-1955 and who was considered a “soft Zionist”, and Livia Rokach’s “Israel’s […]