Law Enforcement Reformation

What Happens After Cops Start Getting Shot?

(TFC Op-Ed) Washington, DC – The airwaves are full of pundits screaming about violence against police officers. These are the same pundits that disregarded the warnings of experts in the field of insurgency when the Ferguson riots broke out and chose to dismiss the rioters as “thugs.” They continued to cheerlead for more police militarization even after the first officers were shot in targeted killings.

Three Police Chiefs Resign as Thirty-One Bay Area Cops Implicated in Sex Scandal

(ANONHQThere seems to be no depth of depravity that today’s police officers aren’t willing to go to. The most recent police debacle to hit the news involves the Oakland Police Department and a sex scandal. No big shocker huh? Well this time the allegations involve five uniformed police officers and an underage prostitute who happens to be the daughter of a police dispatcher.