
Communism, Capitalism and Feudalism: How Nominalism Makes us Fools.

I have come to notice that one of the most effective tools for making people easily malleable sheep is through something called “nominalism”. Nominalism can be thought of as a “rule of reasoning” governing which pathways our minds use as we move from ignorance to understanding on any topic imaginable. In essence, this school of […]

Wagner’s Mutiny – what it means for Putin’s Russia (and Coups 101)

This great video regarding is about what happened with Wagner and Prigozhin. I agree with the author of this video that it was mutiny and not coup. First of all, coup would suggest a change of government which had zero chances to succeed, also Prigozhin didn’t criticize Putin or suggest changing the government because he […]

The U.S.-NATO Hate-Campaign Against Russia and China

Eric Zuesse (blogs at On June 30th, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting headlined “Report Shows How Military Industrial Complex Sets Media Narrative on Ukraine” and well summarized a Quincy Institute study on June 1st, “Defense Contractor Funded Think Tanks Dominate Ukraine Debate”, which had found that the overwhelming majority of the people whom America’s […]

Sochi hosts UN conference to guarantee “indivisible biosecurity” in fight against “infectious threats”

Riley Waggaman On June 22-23, 2023, Sochi (that’s in Russia for my fellow Americans) hosted the fourth international conference “Global Biosecurity Challenges: Problems and Solutions”, one of several global initiatives organized around the UN’s Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The summit was headed by Russia’s Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor), …