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Regulatory Loophole Allows GMO Products to be Marketed as Non-GMO

The government isn’t particularly interested in making sure Americans know what they’re eating. It seems like knowing what is in the food should be a basic right, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. In fact, last week Congress passed a federal requirement for labeling products containing genetically modified ingredients that signifies a big win for food companies.

Study: WHEN You Eat is as Important as WHAT You Eat

The body seems to run like a well-oiled machine when people listen to their internal clocks. For example, the body “prefers” sleeping at night instead of during the day, and working during the day instead of at night.
The same is true when it comes to eating patterns, say researchers. When a person eats may be just as important as when they sleep.

Scientists Outline 6 ‘No Duh’ Habits that Will Shorten our Lives

Eating too much junk food, smoking cigarettes, drinking too much alcohol – all these things can shorten our lives, and we know it. So set on proving most of the things that are terrible for us are fun, scientists from the University of Sydney followed more than 230,000 people aged 45 and older for 6 years. The team assembled a list of 6 ‘deadly sins’
Researcher Dr. Melody Ding, said:

This Grocery Store is Replacing Candy in its Checkout Aisles with Healthy Alternatives

In an attempt to improve buying decisions for its customers, Grocery chain Aldi announced earlier this year that it will be replacing the candy in checkout aisles with more healthful alternatives, such as trail mix, granola bars, and dried fruit. The change will go into effect by the end of 2016 in each of the company’s 1,500 stores.

Yellowstone Supervolcano – 10% Chance of Erupting within 80 Years

There is a 10% chance the Yellowstone Supervolcano could blow sometime in the next 80 years; and while that’s a pretty slim chance, the event would devastate humanity.
Experts at the European Science Foundation (ESF) are warning that instances of volcanic eruptions are the highest in 300 years. They fear that a major eruption could kill millions of people and wreak havoc on the planet.

6 of the Best Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis number in the hundreds. If they really worked so well, you have to ask yourself – why do we need so many? There are numerous natural remedies for arthritis that are just as beneficial for reducing the pain and swelling which causes arthritis, specifically, from the root cause of inflammation in the body.

Minnesota’s New GMO Labeling Bill Could Change Everything For Monsanto

When you think of GMO labeling initiatives, you probably don’t immediately think about the tucked away Midwestern state of Minnesota. But in a move that could very well beat out states like California and New York in finally achieving a full-fledged GMO labeling law system, Minnesota legislatures have introduced brand new highly-backed GMO labeling legislation that is shaping up to be quite promising.