Larry David

Gutless “Christian" wimps mummified by the Internet

In the movie "The Night Before" Seth Rogen indulges in filth and degrades Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.Are any readers of this blog willing to do anything about this or is everyone a mummified corpse when it comes to defending the honor of Christendom?It's a fairly simple matter: print out our flyer exposing this movie. Call the local media  (TV and newspaper) and inform them at what time you will be distributing the flyer in front of the movieplex showing the movie.

This year's New Yorker Festival videos spotlight global troublemakers from Edward Snowden to Kim Dotcom to Larry David

"Edward Snowden: The game plan for the NSA leak"New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer talks to the NSA leaker, somewhere in KenAs New Yorker features director Daniel Zalewski explains in his introduction to the interview with Kim Dotcom below, when he learned that this year's New Yorker Festival would attempt remotely connected virtual interviews with subjects unable to be onsite, he immediately thought of two people: former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, from somewhere in Russia; and Internet ultra-entrepreneur Kim Dotcom, from his compound in Auckland, New Zealand, where he has remaine