Landlord Trump

Is It Really Surprising To Anyone That Trump And Family Engaged In Outright Fraud For Decades?

After today's blockbuster investigative report on Trump's life of crime by the not-so-failing NY Times, CNBC reported that the New York state tax department is investigating the shocking revelations that are being read around the world.The Pulitzer-bait report from David Barstow, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner has been described as "exhaustive" and "thoroug

Be Honest-- Would You Stay At A Trump-Branded Hotel? What If It Was Raining And You Had No Umbrella?

I travel a lot-- always have. When I was a kid I would crash wherever I could. I hitch-hiked out to San Francisco for what the media later dubbed "the Summer of Love" and wound up sleeping on a step on a staircase in an old Haight-Ashbury Victorian. Years later I spent several years living in a VW camper can as I drove from London to India.

As Well As A Kakistocracy, Is The U.S. Now Officially A Kleptocracy As Well? (And NY's Shadiest Address)

The whole notion of Trump and "ethics" just doesn't mix. In his word, ethical concerns are for suckers and ethical codes are part of the hated and derided political correctness he and his supporters so detest. On some level, though, the NY Times and "polite society" are sitll looking at him through a prism of normalcy. Over the weekend, there was a lot of discussion of Trump's obvious conflicts of interest.