Lamar Alexander

I Cheat All The Time At Golf, Taxes, Wives, Elections And Bathroom Scales-- I'm Not 239 Pounds; I'm 475 Pounds... I Cut The Funding To The CDC, So This Wang Chung Virus Is Really Going To Be Bad

The SNL fantasy trial was good for a laugh, but there is genuine and deep concern among many who have seen the damage Putin-- and Moscow Mitch-- have been able to do to American democracy on the cheap.

Paul Ryan And Señor Trumpanzee In League To Destroy Senate Bipartisan Efforts

Lamar Alexander (R-TN) voted to repeal Obamacare but when the repeal failed he decided he doesn't really want to hold folks in Tennessee who get healthcare coverage through Obamacare hostage. A former governor of his state and the chairman of the Senate Health Committee, he started working on a bipartisan fix that would at least stabilize the insurance markets while Congress figures out how to proceed.

Establishment Republicans May Be Winning The Primaries But The Tea Party Wing Controls The Argument

Louisiana teabagger Steve Scalise isn't the biggest win for the Ted Cruz wing of the GOPThe reaction from ugly Republican racists to the embarrassing Tea Party losses in Oklahoma and Mississippi Tuesday-- two of the most brainwashed and extreme right-wing states in the U.S.-- was, to put it mildly, ungracious. McDaniel, of course, is refusing to concede.

Democrats Are Unprepared For A Rare Opportunity To Win A Senate Seat In Tennessee

Anti-immigrant Know Nothing Joe Carr (R)Tennessee's congressional districts are so gerrymandered that Democrats can only win in the state's two districts that are primarily in big cities, Nashville and Memphis. And in Nashville, the Democratic incumbent, Jim Cooper, is a conservative corporate-friendly Blue Dog who votes with the GOP very frequently. Statewide, it's not as clear cut, although the state has trended red in recent years.