
EPHESUS: labrador accidentally joins symphony-orchestra

The Hellenic amphitheatre in Ephesus, now in Turkey, is a breathaking venue for summer concerts. Everyone from operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti to the progressive rock band Jethro Tull have played there.
Recently, a symphony-orchestra played Mendelssohn’s 4th Symphony when a labrador retriever casually walked on stage, eventually deciding to lie down next to the first violin section.
It is unclear if the dog was someone’s pet or where it came from, but it seems like he enjoyed the music as much as anyone else in the audience.

Scott Walker Gives Away The Radical Right's Healthcare Game... Oops

Congressional Republicans don't know quite how to respond to reporters' and constituents' questions about the TrumpCare legislation they just voted for. Some are following Trump's hubristic, bombastic approach of just flat-out lying and claiming more people will be covered for less money and get better healthcare-- just unsubstantiated nonsense that has been widely debunked.

What Makes The Far Right Fringe In Congress So... Difficult?

I suppose it's conceivable that if the hacks in the GOP Establishment drive Trump out of the presidential race-- something they are very much trying to do-- he could revert to being a Democrat and even endorse Hillary Clinton. He certainly hasn't been as harsh towards her as he's been towards Jeb and some of the other Republicans.

Republican Civil War Devastates One Party Politics In Red, Red Idaho-- Bad News For Labrador

Earlier today we poked around a little in the silliness around the House Republicans quest for an Eric Cantor replacement, a very key job in their obstructionist m.o. We thought the absurdity of Idaho libertarian Raúl Labrador would be the best palate cleanser after Cantor… but not one with even the vaguest of chances to beat the Kevin McCarthy wind-up doll.

Republican Civil War Turning To Cannibalism?

DWT is for Raul LabradorAngry right-wing populists struck out blindly against Eric Cantor last week-- and scored a knockout. But to the victors do not go the spoils, not Inside-the-Beltway. David Brat will become a largely ignored, probably short-term, backbencher; he will not become Majority Leader. Nor will any teabagger who celebrated Cantor's political demise.